Source: Reported from the Prophet Muhammad from hadith.

Prayer for the Third 10 days of Ramadan

Prayer for the Third 10 days of Ramadan

This particular prayer was recommended by the Prophet Muhammad to be recited during the last 10 days Ramadan as much as possible. It beseeches God to forgive us, because God is indeed the best at forgiving humans for their mistakes.

“Astaghfirullaha rabbi min kulli zambin wa atabu ilaih.”

I seek forgiveness of all my sins from Allah who is my lord and sustainer and I return back in repentance to him alone.

Source: Reported from the Prophet Muhammad from hadith.

Prayers on Laylat Al Qadr, or Night of Power

Prayers on Laylat Al Qadr, or Night of Power

As beneficial all prayers are during Ramadan, any prayers recited on Laylat Al Qadr, or “The Night of Power,” receive the most reward. Laylat Al Qadr is one of the holiest nights of Ramadan. It falls on the night of one of the odd days during the last 10 days of Ramadan and is widely believed to fall on the 27th fast of the month. The night is commemorated as when the Prophet Muhammad received the first revelation of the Qur’an.
Most mosques try and complete the recitation of the Qur’an on Laylat Al Qadr, and it is recommended for Muslims to attend taraweeh prayers at their local mosque on this night. Muslims often try to spend the entire night in prayer, reciting surahs from the Qur’an and all sorts of prayers and supplications, whether personal or from scripture. The importance of prayer and devotion on this night is unimaginable, as the Qur’an calls this night “better than a thousand months.”

Personal Prayers in Ramadan

Personal Prayers in Ramadan

The key to praying during Ramadan (or at any other time, for that matter), is praying sincerely with all your heart and soul. Growing up, my parents always advised me to pray for exactly what I wanted, no matter how out there my prayer was, and to especially pray for God’s forgiveness, love, and guidance. When I could not think of a Qur’anic supplication or scriptural prayer, they told me to pray from my heart. This advise is one most Muslims will hear at some point in their lives. It cuts to the heart of prayer across all faiths, for surely God will grant whatever prayer is dearest in our hearts--if God believes that prayer is for our benefit.
The Arifiyya Yahoo newsgroup in 2007 published 30 personal prayers for Ramadan, one to be recited each day. Check out this site ( for these prayers. But better yet, pray for what you really want with all your might. During Ramadan, these prayers have the best chance of being answered.

More on Ramadan

More on Ramadan

What is Ramadan? Learn more the history of what is the most important time of the year for Muslims across the world.
Ramadan is primarily associated with fasting, but there are so many other rituals that you should know. Learn more about the rituals of Ramadan.

Ramadan Fastball Islamic Content In One Places

Why do Muslims fast during Ramadan? Learn more about the Islamic tradition of fasting during the Muslim holy month of Ramadan.
Want to try fasting? Check out 10 Tips for Healthful and Spiritual Fasting.
Learn 8 Spiritual Lessons from Ramadan that can translate across all faiths.